5 Beach Ornaments, My Grandmother, and Time

5 Beach Ornaments, My Grandmother, and Time

This morning I processed a couple of our beach themed ornaments for two families who were celebrating their trip to Indian Rocks Beach, FL. Each family will have a keepsake showcasing a colorful beach chair with their name on it. Year after year they can look at that ornament and remember when this happened or she said that. All of a sudden their minds will go right back to those special times in Indian Rocks and people they love. Beach-themed ornaments like this are not just for Christmas, but often hung somewhere in the home all year long.

Beach chairs

I took some time a few weeks ago to visit our local beach on a stormy morning before daylight had broken. The wind gusts were tremendous. It was impossible to not notice the strength of Mother Nature as the waves crashed to the shore on what is otherwise a tranquil and serene waterfront. It was a breathtaking scene to see piles of strewn seaweed, birds pushed off course, and nearly not another human walking anywhere in sight. The beach was mine that Sunday. I needed that.

Walking on the beach has been intoxicating for me since I was a pre-teen.  It’s an instant mental nirvana when I am within a few miles of the thought of sand. I know it is there, and I crave it. Our beach-themed ornaments remind me daily of some special moments in my life.

Beach Walks with My Grandmother:

 My love of walking on the beach developed through the daily company of my grandmother for weeks on end in the summer. I remember waking up just before the sun at her shore place, feverishly dressing, grabbing a cup or bucket, and running as fast as I possibly could to the wave line. I just couldn’t wait. Each day, I was so completely certain that the Gulf of Mexico was bringing treasures just for me.  I walked for hours thinking simple thoughts, complicated ones, and sometimes nothing at all. My container was slowly filled with gifts from the sea, each one carefully selected. I settled issues for myself on the beach those summers. I found out who I was, and who I hoped to be with each passing wave. These were walks on the beach, and especially within my own self, that I truly treasure.

 In the evenings, my grandmother walked with me. We shared conversations and silence, and a love of shell collecting. My life was shaped during these walks. I learned so much about her and connecting as we moved along the shore. These are memories that I will always hold close in my heart, as I think about the time she saved in her day just for me.

 No matter where I’ve traveled, if I am near a beach, it goes without saying that I must walk on it. It’s what I do and who I am. I send questions to the water, and I get answers from the waves.  Sometimes they are answers I like; other times, they are simply answers that I need. Always they are definite, reflective, and necessary. I crave and choose these conversations with the waves. They settle things for me and give me direction.

Beach funsea shell ornament

Beach Themed Ornaments:

When I see customers purchasing our beach-themed ornaments like our beach scene and seashell keepsakes,  I cannot help but recall those special summers I spent with my grandparents. At that time, my grandparents may not have realized the impact that they would have on my life. Now that they are gone, I certainly do. There are few gifts that we can give one another that are more impactful than genuinely dedicated, present time. The beach-themed ornaments like the sea turtle flip flop and dolphin are not so subtle reminders to me of what is important, and for that I am thankful.

Flip flop with sea turtle


Dolphin ornament

In Conclusion:

Dear reader, when was the last time you walked on the beach? Do you collect shells or have some other type of collection? How do you get your best thinking time? Please log in and comment in the “Sitting and Sharing with Sunny Girl” section below:

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