Personalized Piggy Bank Ornaments: Finance Tips for Kids

Personalized Piggy Bank Ornaments: Finance Tips for Kids

Personalized Piggy Bank Ornaments: Finance Ideas  

Personalized piggy bank ornaments are a great way to deal with the very touchy subject of finance. Some parents may even feel that kids have no reason to be aware of finance, but teaching children early about money may have great benefits. Yes, most kids may feel money is synonymous with candies, sweets, and toys, but anytime is a good time for grown ups to step in and teach age appropriate money lessons. Have you heard of our personalized piggy banks

Parents are important teachers of the lesson that there's more to cash than spending. After all, no one ever became rich through spending. Thankfully, we have a "savings" idea to salvage the situation. If you're wondering how to communicate this message to kids, this is where we come in with our fun and colorful personalized piggy banks.

We know that this might be complex for kids to understand, so we've taken the initiative to break it down to their level of comprehension. At Myornament, we create the best personalized piggy bank ornaments that will blow your socks off. Yes, we bring all the fun into savings. Thus, the subject of finances is now more approachable with kids to lay solid foundations as future money moguls and good stewards of their money.

Personalized Piggy Bank Ornaments: Top Picks

Imagine your kid(s) toasting to the good life. How does it make you feel? I bet you have a large smile plastered across your face—Now pause and capture your smiley grin. Do you want to have this look whenever you think about your child's finances? I kid you not; this is possible with our personalized piggy bank ornaments.

With our personalized piggy bank ornaments, your kid(s) could stack up millions before you know it. (Okay, maybe not millions but a few hundred bucks. Anyway, it's a great start.) Eventually though, all the money saved will amount to something huge. Besides, it is a plausible way to help your child cultivate the habit of saving from a tender age.

A personalized piggy bank ornament differs from a regular piggy bank and will mean more to your child. The unique touch of personalization is all it takes to make your child feel possessive about his/ her piggy bank and own up to the responsibility of saving. Even better, the idea of personalization is left to you so you can decide what style (name, motivational message, etc.) best suits your child. All you need to do is tell us your preferences, and we will create something truly special.

So, let's take a look at our piggy bank catalog and some of the styles that are available:



Bee and Flowers Piggy Bank

Bee and Flower Large Piggy Bank

Click here to view this large cute piggy bank ornament.

This big-size ceramic personalized piggy bank ornament is a good gift for a child who loves bees and flowers. Its floral design is beautifully painted with pinks, blues, and purples. This piggy bank is adorable and a perfect choice for your little daughter, niece, or friend.

You could get this piggy bank as a random surprise gift or give it for a special occasion like a birthday or Christmas. With her name on it, like in the image above, this gift will make her go gaga. Let the savings fun begin!


Personalized Basketball Piggy Bank Ornaments

Click here to see more details on this item.

It's no secret that teenage boys and girls love sports. Basketball is a favorite game among them. If your son or daughter is an ardent basketball fan, this personalized basketball piggy bank ornament is a great choice.

If your child is interested in being a basketballer, this piggy bank ornament could motivate them to save for a basketball jersey or sporting gear. This personalized piggy bank ornament will make an amazing birthday gift with a delicious cake beside it.


Sports Piggy Bank

Sports Piggy Bank - Small

Click here to get a better view of this product.

We told you we have piggy bank ornaments at MyOrnament for every child. This piggy bank is suitable for young children of both genders and for newborns. This ornament is a splendid option for young children who love all types of sports, including basketball, baseball, and football. But for newborns, it's cute to ogle at, and it will familiarize them with bright colors.

The colorful and bold sport graphics are sure to put a smile on their faces as they listen for the coins dropping through the slot on the top of the piggy bank. Don’t let it pass you by!

Personalized Piggy Bank Ornaments: Finance Tips for Kids

Our personalized piggy bank ornaments cater to different age ranges of kids. At MyOrnament, we offer piggy banks for newborns, young children, teens, and even college kids. There are also two sizes (big and small) to suit your gifting needs. The piggy banks come with beautiful packaging and several themes suitable for both genders.

The art and decorations on the personalized piggy bank ornaments will attract your child to it and begin a culture of saving. As we say, "a penny saved is a penny earned." So, let's delve into fun finance tips on how to save and grow your pennies to a valuable stash.


Save More Than You Spend

If you help your kids learn to practice self control when it comes to spending, it will be easier to save. So, for every dollar spent, one should go to the piggy bank. Hence, a child’s spending should be equivalent to savings. That’s a smart money ideology.


A Penny a Day Keeps Emergencies at Bay

Teach your kids the importance of saving daily. It's helpful if they can ensure to drop a specified amount of money into the piggy daily. It doesn't need to be a large amount; the message here is that consistency is the key. With consistent financial habits, money will grow quickly.

So, in an emergency, your child's personalized piggy bank ornament will come to the rescue! Piggy to the rescue; now that’s something we want to see.


Select the D-day

It is important to explain to your child the significance of a piggy bank. Let him/ her know that this mini bank doesn't accept speedy over-the-counter withdrawals, except in emergencies. Help them to draw up rules and determine when to cash the stash.

If it's a yearly saving, consider Christmas or a birthday as the time to break the bank. However, even after accessing the savings, your child should know better than to spend it in a carefree manner. The financial rule of spend some and save some still applies.


Save Regularly

Saving daily is a part of saving regularly, but it goes beyond that. Other than the daily sums of money, saving from cash gifts should always be a habit. Children are prone to getting many cash gifts from uncles, aunts, grandparents, and other relatives. If your child learns to save from this extra unexpected cash inflow, the act will produce a massively pleasing result.

Get your kid(s) a personalized piggy bag ornament so they can experience the fun of amassing wealth. It should be a very easy task for your child/ children to save since they have zero to no personal expenses.

So, you must encourage them to make good use of their personalized piggy bank ornaments. Apart from being amazed by the result of their effort, they'll love the air of confidence they'll derive from knowing that they're growing penny at a time.


Benefits of Personalized Piggy Bank Ornaments

All the hype around our personalized piggy bank ornaments would be useless if it isn’t beneficial. So, let’s give a brief rundown of what your kid(s) stand to gain from owning one.

  • It helps simplify savings in a way your kids can grasp.

  • It’s a great tool for cultivating smart money habits.

  • It introduces fun and excitement into savings.

  • The designs of our piggy banks are beautiful and relatable for kids of both genders and all ages.

  • Charity begins at home, so this is an impressive manner of helping your kid(s) build their net worth from an early age.

  • Personalized piggy banks aid your children in saving for projects.

  • It helps to build a strong financial portfolio.

  • It provides funds for special or specific needs/ goals.

  • It's educational since it teaches children the value of saving firsthand.

So, what’s your reason for not getting your child a personalized piggy bank ornament from us?


Saving is as important for kids as it is for adults. It helps them build their finances and learn to develop healthy spending habits. To make this even simpler and more understandable, we at MyOrnament create a vast array of personalized piggy bank ornaments for kids.

Get one for your child to instill financial values at a young age. There are many designs and personalization options that your kids are bound to love. So, get a personalized piggy bank ornament today and watch your kid(s) build their future.


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